You follow Moonflower closely in the dimly lit town. After crossing a few bridges, you reach the Oracle's house, and enter though the open door.

As you step inside, you find yourselves in a dark room. In the middle of it, a strange orb begins to glow, revealing a hooded figure behind it. An elderly voice echoes from the walls.

Oracle: "Welcome, young ones. I am the Oracle of the Starfalls Clan. Come, my child, and you, outsider. Sit, and listen carefully to what I am about to tell you...

As you know, my time as the voice of our people is coming to an end. Soon, the wisdom of our kin is to be passed down to a new heir.

On this day, I was awakened by a great vision. The voices of our ancestors chanted, and the name of a new heir was revealed to me. Yes, that name was yours, Moonflower.

A great journey lies ahead of you, my child. But heed my words, for you will not embark on this journey alone, as here you stand by your suntouched friend."

You feel the Oracle's gaze upon you.

Oracle: "You have come so far, outsider, so tell me: What is your heart's desire?"