The sun is still shining brightly, high in the sky, undisturbed by the clouds circling the horizon.

You make your way to the farrier. As the house with a giant horseshoe sign comes into view, you spot Lucky Smith resting against a tree on the front yard.

Lucky Smith: "Hey there, Blazy-butt! Looking for me?"

You show your brass horseshoes to Lucky Smith, and ask if she could help you put them on.

Lucky Smith: "Sure, I can do that! Combat horseshoes, huh?"

As you walk inside the shop, you ask her if she knows where you can get some combat training.

Lucky Smith: "Town hall, first door on the left. That's where Sapphy-butt hangs out all the time. Maybe she can teach you a trick or two!

So, did you want these shoes screwed, glued, or clipped on?"